Catatan digital

Catatan digital

Rabu, 12 Juni 2024

What color is his jacket?

Here is a teaching material outline for the topic "What Color is His Jacket?" focusing on how to ask questions using adjectives:


### Lesson Plan: What Color is His Jacket?

#### Objective:
Students will learn how to ask and answer questions using adjectives, specifically focusing on describing clothing.

#### Materials:
- Pictures of people wearing different colored jackets
- Flashcards with adjectives (colors)
- Worksheets
- Whiteboard and markers
- Audio recordings of dialogues

#### Introduction (10 minutes):
1. **Warm-up Activity**:
   - Greet the students and ask them about their favorite colors.
   - Show pictures of different colored jackets and ask students to name the colors.

2. **Presentation**:
   - Introduce the topic: "What Color is His Jacket?"
   - Explain the importance of adjectives in describing things.
   - Write the question "What color is his jacket?" on the whiteboard and underline the adjective (color).

#### Vocabulary (15 minutes):
1. **Teaching Adjectives**:
   - Introduce adjectives related to colors (red, blue, green, yellow, black, white, etc.).
   - Show flashcards with colors and say the color aloud. Have students repeat after you.
   - Ask students to match the flashcards with the pictures of the jackets.

2. **Practice**:
   - Use the pictures and ask individual students, "What color is his/her jacket?"
   - Encourage students to answer in full sentences: "His jacket is blue."

#### Practice (20 minutes):
1. **Pair Work**:
   - Divide the students into pairs.
   - Give each pair a set of pictures.
   - Have them take turns asking and answering questions using the adjectives: "What color is his/her jacket?"

2. **Listening Activity**:
   - Play an audio recording of a dialogue where people are describing their clothing.
   - Ask students to listen and write down the colors they hear.

#### Production (15 minutes):
1. **Group Activity**:
   - Split the class into small groups.
   - Give each group a worksheet with pictures and descriptions of people wearing jackets.
   - Have them fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives.

2. **Speaking Activity**:
   - Ask each group to present their answers to the class.
   - Encourage other groups to ask follow-up questions.

#### Wrap-Up (10 minutes):
1. **Review**:
   - Go over the main points of the lesson.
   - Ask students to give examples of other questions they can ask using adjectives.

2. **Homework**:
   - Assign a worksheet where students must describe the colors of various items of clothing.

#### Assessment:
- Monitor students during pair and group activities to ensure they are using adjectives correctly.
- Collect and review the worksheets to assess their understanding.


### Worksheet Example:

**A. Match the Pictures with the Colors**

1. ![Red Jacket](  
   - a) Red
   - b) Blue
   - c) Green

2. ![Blue Jacket](  
   - a) Yellow
   - b) Blue
   - c) Black

**B. Fill in the Blanks**

1. Her jacket is _______. (yellow)
2. His jacket is _______. (green)

**C. Listen and Write**

Listen to the dialogue and write the color of the jackets:

1. John: "My jacket is ______." (blue)
2. Mary: "Her jacket is ______." (pink)


This lesson plan and accompanying worksheet will help students practice using adjectives to describe clothing and ask questions.

Daftar Konten: 

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Lesson 2 (CAN YOU SAIL?)



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