Catatan digital

Catatan digital

Kamis, 02 Mei 2024

Do You Like to Dance, Susan?

 Cara Menggunakan Kalimat Tanya dengan "Do/Does" dan "Did":

Do/Does untuk Present Tense:

Contoh: Do you like to dance?

Do you like ice cream?

Does he speak Spanish fluently?

Do they go to the gym every day?

Does she work as a doctor?

Do we have any plans for the weekend?

Does it rain a lot in this city?

Do you need help with your homework?

Does he play the guitar in a band?

Do they watch TV in the evenings?

Does she cook dinner for her family?

Do we usually take vacations in the summer?

Does it get cold in the winter where you live?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Does he often visit his grandparents?

Do they attend English classes on Saturdays?


Digunakan untuk membentuk pertanyaan pada present tense untuk orang kedua tunggal (you) dan orang ketiga tunggal (he/she/it). Digunakan bersama dengan kata kerja infinitif (to dance).

Did untuk Past Tense:

Contoh: Did you enjoy the party last night?

  1. Did you like ice cream?
  2. Did he speak Spanish fluently?
  3. Did they go to the gym every day?
  4. Did she work as a doctor?
  5. Did we have any plans for the weekend?
  6. Did it rain a lot in this city?
  7. Did you need help with your homework?
  8. Did he play the guitar in a band?
  9. Did they watch TV in the evenings?
  10. Did she cook dinner for her family?
  11. Did we usually take vacations in the summer?
  12. Did it get cold in the winter where you lived?
  13. Did you believe in ghosts?
  14. Did he often visit his grandparents?
  15. Did they attend English classes on Saturdays?

Penggunaan: Digunakan untuk membentuk pertanyaan pada past tense untuk semua orang (I/you/he/she/it/we/they). Digunakan bersama dengan kata kerja bentuk dasar.

Cara Menggunakan "Like" dan "Dislike":

Like untuk Menyatakan Kesukaan:

Contoh: I like to dance.

Penggunaan: Digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa seseorang menyukai atau menikmati melakukan sesuatu.

Dislike untuk Menyatakan Ketidakkesukaan:

Contoh: She dislikes spicy food.

Penggunaan: Digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa seseorang tidak menyukai atau tidak menikmati melakukan sesuatu.

berikut adalah contoh penggunaan "like" dan "dislike":


  1. I like to read books in my free time.
  2. She likes to listen to music while studying.
  3. They like to go for a walk in the park.
  4. He likes to play basketball with his friends.
  5. We like to travel to new places during the holidays.
  6. Sarah likes to cook dinner for her family.
  7. My parents like to watch movies together on weekends.
  8. The children like to play with their toys in the garden.
  9. Maria likes to swim in the sea during the summer.
  10. Jake likes to ride his bike in the countryside.


  1. I dislike waking up early in the morning.
  2. She dislikes eating vegetables.
  3. They dislike going to crowded places.
  4. He dislikes watching horror movies.
  5. We dislike waiting in long lines.
  6. Sarah dislikes cold weather.
  7. My parents dislike noisy neighbors.
  8. The children dislike doing their homework.
  9. Maria dislikes getting stuck in traffic jams.
  10. Jake dislikes doing household chores.

Semoga contoh-contoh tersebut bermanfaat! Jangan ragu untuk bertanya jika ada yang perlu diperjelas.

Contoh Latihan:

Buatlah pertanyaan menggunakan kata kerja bantu yang tepat:

___ Susan enjoy swimming?

___ your friends like to play basketball?

Isilah titik-titik dengan kata kerja yang sesuai:

She ___ to read novels in her free time.

We ___ the new movie that came out last week.

Catatan Penting:

Pastikan siswa memahami perbedaan penggunaan "do/does" dan "did" serta arti dan penggunaan "like" dan "dislike" agar dapat menggunakannya dengan benar dalam konteks percakapan sehari-hari.

Daftar Konten: 

Lesson 1 (Do you Like to Dance, Susan?)

Lesson 2 (CAN YOU SAIL?)



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