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Selasa, 04 Juni 2024

Afirmatif, negative sentence

Berikut adalah materi ajar bahasa Inggris tentang kalimat afirmatif, kalimat negatif, dan kalimat tanya:

### 1. Affirmative Sentences (Kalimat Afirmatif)

Kalimat afirmatif adalah kalimat yang menyatakan sesuatu secara positif. Kalimat ini tidak mengandung kata-kata negatif seperti "not" atau "no".

#### Struktur:
- Subjek + Kata Kerja (Verb) + Objek (jika ada)

#### Contoh:
- **Simple Present Tense:** 
  - I play football.
  - She reads a book.
- **Simple Past Tense:**
  - He visited his grandmother.
  - They watched a movie.
- **Simple Future Tense:**
  - We will go to the park.
  - She will buy a new dress.

### 2. Negative Sentences (Kalimat Negatif)

Kalimat negatif adalah kalimat yang menyatakan sesuatu secara negatif. Kalimat ini biasanya mengandung kata "not" atau "no".

#### Struktur:
- Subjek + Kata Kerja Bantu (Auxiliary Verb) + not + Kata Kerja (Verb) + Objek (jika ada)

#### Contoh:
- **Simple Present Tense:**
  - I do not (don't) play football.
  - She does not (doesn't) read a book.
- **Simple Past Tense:**
  - He did not (didn't) visit his grandmother.
  - They did not (didn't) watch a movie.
- **Simple Future Tense:**
  - We will not (won't) go to the park.
  - She will not (won't) buy a new dress.

### 3. Question Sentences (Kalimat Tanya)

Kalimat tanya adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu. Ada beberapa jenis kalimat tanya, seperti yes/no questions dan wh-questions.

#### Struktur Yes/No Questions:
- Kata Kerja Bantu (Auxiliary Verb) + Subjek + Kata Kerja (Verb) + Objek (jika ada)?

#### Contoh:
- **Simple Present Tense:**
  - Do you play football?
  - Does she read a book?
- **Simple Past Tense:**
  - Did he visit his grandmother?
  - Did they watch a movie?
- **Simple Future Tense:**
  - Will we go to the park?
  - Will she buy a new dress?

#### Struktur Wh-Questions:
- Kata Tanya (Wh-Word) + Kata Kerja Bantu (Auxiliary Verb) + Subjek + Kata Kerja (Verb) + Objek (jika ada)?

#### Contoh:
- **Simple Present Tense:**
  - What do you play?
  - When does she read a book?
- **Simple Past Tense:**
  - Where did he visit?
  - Why did they watch a movie?
- **Simple Future Tense:**
  - How will we go to the park?
  - What will she buy?

### Latihan

#### Affirmative Sentences:
1. I (to eat) _______ breakfast every morning.
2. They (to go) _______ to school by bus.

#### Negative Sentences:
1. She (to like) _______ ice cream.
2. We (to have) _______ any money.

#### Question Sentences:
1. (to do) _______ you play the guitar?
2. (to can) _______ he swim?

- Affirmative Sentences: 
  1. I eat breakfast every morning.
  2. They go to school by bus.
- Negative Sentences:
  1. She does not (doesn't) like ice cream.
  2. We do not (don't) have any money.
- Question Sentences:
  1. Do you play the guitar?
  2. Can he swim?

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