I'd Like to Meet Jeff Bennett
Sesi Grammar:
Cara Menggunakan Kalimat Tanya dengan "Would Like" atau "I'd Like":
Would Like untuk Mengungkapkan Keinginan atau Permintaan Sopan:
Contoh: Would you like to go to the park?
- Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?
- I would like to have a glass of water, please.
- Would you like me to help you with your homework?
- She would like to visit Paris someday.
- Would you like to join us for a movie this weekend?
- They would like to buy a new car next year.
- Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?
- He would like to learn how to play the piano.
- Would you like to attend the conference next month?
- I would like to order a pizza for delivery.
- Would you like me to pick you up from the airport?
- She would like to take a vacation to the beach.
- Would you like to try some of my homemade cookies?
- We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
- Would you like to go for a walk in the park together?
Penggunaan: "Would like" digunakan untuk menanyakan keinginan atau permintaan seseorang secara sopan. Jawabannya bisa "Yes, I would like to" jika mau, atau "No, I wouldn't like to" jika tidak mau.
I'd Like untuk Menyatakan Keinginan:
Contoh: I'd like to have a cup of tea.
- I'd like to travel to Japan someday.
- I'd like to have a cup of coffee, please.
- I'd like to learn how to speak French fluently.
- I'd like to buy a new house in the countryside.
- I'd like to spend more time with my family.
- I'd like to visit my grandparents during the holidays.
- I'd like to read more books this year.
- I'd like to try skydiving at least once in my life.
- I'd like to improve my cooking skills.
- I'd like to attend a concert of my favorite band.
- I'd like to adopt a pet from the animal shelter.
- I'd like to go hiking in the mountains next weekend.
- I'd like to start a small business of my own.
- I'd like to volunteer at a local charity organization.
- I'd like to take a photography course to enhance my skills.
Semoga contoh-contoh tersebut membantu!
Penggunaan: "I'd like" adalah bentuk singkat dari "I would like" yang digunakan untuk menyatakan keinginan atau permintaan secara lebih formal atau sopan. Biasanya diikuti oleh infinitif (to + verb).
Pola Kalimat Tanya dengan "Would Like" atau "I'd Like":
Untuk kalimat tanya dengan "Would Like" atau "I'd Like", susunlah kalimat dengan urutan berikut: Would + Subject (Subjek) + Like + To + Verb (Kata Kerja) + Complement (Pelengkap).
Contoh: Would you like to join us for dinner?
Contoh Latihan:
Buatlah pertanyaan menggunakan "Would Like" atau "I'd Like" yang sesuai dengan situasi yang diberikan:
(situasi: You want to invite your friend to your birthday party.)
Jawaban: ___ you like to come to my birthday party?
(situasi: You want to ask your colleague if he wants a cup of coffee.)
Jawaban: ___ you like a cup of coffee?
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan menggunakan "Would Like" atau "I'd Like":
___ to go to the cinema tonight.
___ to learn how to play the guitar.
___ to travel around the world someday.
___ to have a meeting with the manager tomorrow.
___ to order a pizza for dinner tonight.
Catatan Penting:
Pastikan siswa memahami penggunaan "Would Like" atau "I'd Like" untuk menyatakan keinginan atau permintaan secara sopan dalam berbagai situasi. Hal ini membantu dalam memahami dan mengungkapkan keinginan dengan cara yang lebih resmi atau santun.
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