Catatan digital

Catatan digital

Kamis, 07 Desember 2023


 Describing the weather is a common topic in everyday conversations. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use to talk about the weather:

Clear Sky:

It's a clear day.

The sky is clear.

Sunny Weather:

It's sunny outside.

The sun is shining.

There's not a cloud in the sky.

Partly Cloudy:

It's partly cloudy today.

There are some clouds, but it's mostly sunny.

Cloudy Weather:

It's cloudy.

The sky is overcast.

It's a bit gloomy today.

Rainy Weather:

It's raining.

We have some rain today.

It's a rainy day.


It's drizzling outside.

Pouring Rain:

It's pouring rain.

It's a heavy rainstorm.

Snowy Weather:

It's snowing.

We have snow today.

It's a snowy day.

Foggy Conditions:

It's foggy.

The visibility is low due to the fog.

Windy Weather:

It's windy today.

There's a strong breeze.


It's hot today.

It's cold outside.

The temperature is mild.

Seasonal Descriptions:

It feels like spring.

It's a typical summer day.

It's getting cooler; fall is here.

Winter has brought cold temperatures.

Extreme Conditions:

It's scorching hot.

It's freezing cold.

We're experiencing a heatwave.

There's a chill in the air.

Overall Impressions:

The weather is beautiful today.

It's perfect weather for a picnic.

The weather is miserable.

Future Weather (Forecast):

The forecast predicts rain tomorrow.

They're expecting sunny skies this weekend.

Remember, these phrases can be combined and modified based on the specific conditions you're describing. Additionally, using sensory details can enhance your descriptions, such as mentioning the feel of the air, the smell, or the general atmosphere.

Langit cerah:

Ini hari yang cerah.

Langit cerah.

Cuaca cerah:

Di luar cerah.

Matahari bersinar.

Tidak ada awan di langit.


Hari ini berawan sebagian.

Ada sedikit awan, tapi sebagian besar cerah.

Cuaca mendung:

Cuacanya mendung.

Langit mendung.

Hari ini agak suram.

Cuaca Hujan:

Sedang hujan.

Hari ini kita akan turun hujan.

Ini hari hujan.


Di luar sedang gerimis.

Hujan deras:

Hujan deras.

Ini adalah hujan badai yang lebat.

Cuaca Bersalju:

Sedang turun salju.

Kami memiliki salju hari ini.

Ini hari bersalju.

Kondisi Berkabut:

Ini berkabut.

Jarak pandang menjadi rendah karena kabut.

Cuaca berangin:

Hari ini berangin.

Ada angin kencang.


Hari ini panas.

Diluar dingin.

Suhunya sedang.

Deskripsi Musiman:

Rasanya seperti musim semi.

Ini adalah hari musim panas yang khas.

Semakin dingin; musim gugur telah tiba.

Musim dingin membawa suhu dingin.

Kondisi ekstrim:

Panas sekali.

Dingin sekali.

Kita sedang mengalami gelombang panas.

Ada hawa dingin di udara.

Kesan Keseluruhan:

Cuacanya indah hari ini.

Ini cuaca yang sempurna untuk piknik.

Cuacanya buruk.

Cuaca Masa Depan (Prakiraan):

Ramalan cuaca memperkirakan besok akan turun hujan.

Mereka mengharapkan langit cerah akhir pekan ini.

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