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Catatan digital

Jumat, 17 November 2023

"Much" and "many"

 "Much" and "many" are determiners that are used to express the quantity or amount of something. The choice between "much" and "many" depends on whether the noun being modified is countable or uncountable.


Uncountable Nouns: "Much" is used with uncountable nouns, which are substances, concepts, or things that cannot be counted as individual units.

Example: "There isn't much water in the jug."

Example: "I don't have much time to spare."

Example: "She doesn't have much experience in marketing."


Countable Nouns: "Many" is used with countable nouns, which are individual items or people that can be counted as separate entities.

Example: "There aren't many books on the shelf."

Example: "How many students are in the class?"

Example: "She has visited many countries."


"Much" and "many" are often used in questions, negative statements, and with expressions of quantity (e.g., a lot of, too much, too many).



"How much money do you have?"

"How many friends did you invite?"

Negative Statements:

"I don't have much homework tonight."

"There aren't many people at the party."

With Expressions of Quantity:

"She has a lot of experience."

"He doesn't have too much time."

In summary, use "much" with uncountable nouns and "many" with countable nouns when expressing quantity or amount.

Here are 20 examples of sentences using "much":

  1. There isn't much sugar left in the jar.
  2. She doesn't have much patience with incompetence.
  3. Do you have much experience in programming?
  4. We don't have much time before the meeting.
  5. I don't think there's much doubt about the outcome.
  6. How much information do you need for the report?
  7. He doesn't have much interest in sports.
  8. There isn't much traffic on the road this morning.
  9. I don't have much money left in my wallet.
  10. Can you give me much advice on this matter?
  11. We didn't find much evidence to support the claim.
  12. She doesn't eat much chocolate.
  13. Is there much excitement about the upcoming event?
  14. I don't have much understanding of the topic.
  15. There isn't much furniture in the living room.
  16. How much effort did you put into the project?
  17. There isn't much to see in this small town.
  18. He doesn't have much knowledge of foreign languages.
  19. I don't have much confidence in the success of the plan.
  20. Can you offer much assistance with the heavy lifting?
These examples illustrate the use of "much" with uncountable nouns to indicate a quantity or degree of something.

  1. Tidak banyak gula yang tersisa di toples.
  2. Dia tidak memiliki banyak kesabaran dengan ketidakmampuan.
  3. Apakah Anda memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam pemrograman?
  4. Kami tidak punya banyak waktu sebelum pertemuan.
  5. Saya rasa tidak ada keraguan mengenai hasilnya.
  6. Berapa banyak informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk laporan tersebut?
  7. Dia tidak terlalu tertarik pada olahraga.
  8. Tidak banyak lalu lintas di jalan pagi ini.
  9. Saya tidak punya banyak uang tersisa di dompet saya.
  10. Bisakah Anda memberi saya banyak nasihat mengenai masalah ini?
  11. Kami tidak menemukan banyak bukti untuk mendukung klaim tersebut.
  12. Dia tidak makan banyak coklat.
  13. Apakah ada banyak kegembiraan tentang acara mendatang?
  14. Saya tidak begitu memahami topik tersebut.
  15. Tidak banyak furnitur di ruang tamu.
  16. Berapa banyak usaha yang Anda lakukan untuk proyek ini?
  17. Tidak banyak yang bisa dilihat di kota kecil ini.
  18. Dia tidak memiliki banyak pengetahuan tentang bahasa asing.
  19. Saya tidak terlalu yakin dengan keberhasilan rencana tersebut.
  20. Dapatkah Anda menawarkan banyak bantuan dalam mengangkat beban berat?

Here are 20 examples of sentences using "many":

  1. How many students are in the classroom?
  2. There aren't many books on the shelf.
  3. She has visited many countries in her lifetime.
  4. Are there many people at the event?
  5. We don't have many options to choose from.
  6. How many friends did you invite to the party?
  7. There aren't many apples left in the basket.
  8. She doesn't have many opportunities for travel.
  9. I don't know many details about the incident.
  10. Many employees attended the company meeting.
  11. How many questions did you answer correctly?
  12. There aren't many houses on this street.
  13. She doesn't have many reasons to complain.
  14. We have many tasks to complete before the deadline.
  15. I don't have many concerns about the project.
  16. Many people enjoy hiking in the mountains.
  17. There aren't many cars in the parking lot.
  18. Many students find math challenging.
  19. How many cups of coffee do you drink each day?
  20. We have many goals to achieve this year.

These examples demonstrate the use of "many" with countable nouns to indicate a quantity or number of something.

  1. Berapa banyak siswa di kelas?
  2. Tidak banyak buku di rak.
  3. Dia telah mengunjungi banyak negara dalam hidupnya.
  4. Apakah ada banyak orang di acara tersebut?
  5. Kami tidak mempunyai banyak pilihan untuk dipilih.
  6. Berapa banyak teman yang Anda undang ke pesta?
  7. Tidak banyak apel yang tersisa di keranjang.
  8. Dia tidak memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk bepergian.
  9. Saya tidak tahu banyak detail tentang kejadian itu.
  10. Banyak karyawan menghadiri rapat perusahaan.
  11. Berapa banyak pertanyaan yang Anda jawab dengan benar?
  12. Tidak banyak rumah di jalan ini.
  13. Dia tidak punya banyak alasan untuk mengeluh.
  14. Kami memiliki banyak tugas yang harus diselesaikan sebelum batas waktu.
  15. Saya tidak punya banyak kekhawatiran tentang proyek ini.
  16. Banyak orang senang mendaki gunung.
  17. Tidak banyak mobil di tempat parkir.
  18. Banyak siswa menganggap matematika itu menantang.
  19. Berapa cangkir kopi yang Anda minum setiap hari?
  20. Ada banyak tujuan yang ingin kita capai tahun ini.

The use of Some and Any

Penggunaan "SOME" dan "ANY"

Countable vs Uncountable Noun

Much and Many

There is not and There are not

How to form Question

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